“I just finished your book,” shared a friend who had graciously offered to help me by reading a pre-release version of it. “I have tears in my eyes,” she said. “That last line in the text…perfect” She is an incredibly intelligent financial services veteran who stays home full-time with three children. She recently reestablished her family in our town after a major geographic move initiated by her husband’s job. Net net she’s no stranger to transition. What she didn’t know as I opened her email….. Continue reading…
A simple step: reframe
Last week my ten-year old son and I watched the replay of the first game of the NBA finals between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors. We were rooting for the Golden State Warriors, his stand-in team given that his beloved Celtics will sit this one out. Thanks to his interest, I stumbled onto a terrific example of one of my favorite transition tools – reframing.
A special gift….
Yesterday we froze while sitting at Gillette Stadium for the MIAA State Championship game between Holliston and Wahconah. There were six games being played, all match-ups of division rivals of winning Massachusetts High School teams. We were there to see my nephew, a sophomore, who played in the final minutes of the game. While I am sure it was thrilling for him to be down on the field where the Patriots play my take on the game happened on an entirely different level. I was focused on the contributions of one of his teammates whose efforts seemed extraordinary. Almost magical. Continue reading…