“Moms get to define holiday traditions,” said my friend Pam as we sat at Starbuck’s having a coffee almost two years ago. I was on the cusp of transition; going from a full-time ‘extreme‘ job into a consulting status for the same company. Truth be told I was somewhat catatonic. Continue reading…
Camouflage, transition & summer plans
I hope you all enjoyed a breezy Memorial Day weekend. We caught our neighboring town’s Memorial Day celebration. The gentleman who spoke was from the Navy; pressed whites, well spoken, a selectman. On Memorial Day he challenged us not to mourn but to live. He recounted that our fallen heroes had sacrificed it all to give us that chance. Live.
So, in a quick quiet moment on Memorial Day I Continue reading…
This post will clearly be grouped in the quirky “observations” from my transition category. But first, heartfelt thanks to all of you for the wonderful outpouring of comments and ideas around this launch. The volume of emails that I’ve received has been enormous. You’ve given me incredible ideas on how to take Novofemina forward. More on that in the weeks ahead. For now, I thought I’d share a chuckle…and an observation. Continue reading…