I made an observation last night as I was sitting in our dining room with some old friends who stopped by. We talked and laughed. We learned about how the holidays were taking shape within each of our respective lives. It was lighthearted. But I knew that there was a lot missing from our conversation. One of our comrades had recently lost a parent, two others were in the throes of job searches, still another had recently chosen to undergo cosmetic surgery. One was exhaling – thankfully exhaling – since an adult child who had previously struggled with substance abuse was in a good place. Blessedly. Continue reading…
Strengthening Our Resolve
“I can hear my voice,” shared a teary-eyed women who introduced herself to me last week at the conclusion of a seminar I conducted in a leafy suburb on the outskirts of Boston. “It is screaming at me,” she said. She went on to tell me about how emotional she’d been throughout the seminar – a two-hour affair designed to let participants play with the concepts of transition. She was clear about the action she needed to take. She knew it. It didn’t eliminate the sheer terror she felt as she contemplated taking that next step. Her comment instantly deposited me at the doorstep of actions. In this season of New Year’s resolutions and renewed personal commitments – are you readying to act? Continue reading…
The courage of starting…
“I don’t know if I told you,” shared a friend, “but I left my job.” It was my son’s first day of school. Chaos swirled around me. Kids. Parents. The occasional dog. A forgotten backpack. Above the din my friend’s tone was mildly apologetic. While I saw a little sparkle in the corner of her eye, something weighed heavily on her. Was it fear that I saw? Shame? Continue reading…