“I broke my rule only once,” shared coach Kelly Nicholson of the Orleans’ Firebirds. “I let a player have a cell phone on the field.” Every kid present, roughly thirty-five of them, had their eyes glued to this commanding gentleman. What could possibly drive such a rule departure? It seems a player, Greg A., was awaiting a call from the president of San Diego State University. Coach Kelly described Greg as a Rhodes Scholar finalist. The call would alert him to his standing and next steps. Lucky kid or something more? Continue reading…
“Please pull out a piece of paper,” so started my facilitation of a career event sponsored by the Emerging Leaders Program at the University of Massachusetts Boston. I asked each participant to write down what their professional aspirations were – using a 5 year time frame. We spent the next twenty minutes discussing what folks had jotted down. What happened next amazed me. Continue reading…