An elusive identity…..

“I can be anything I want to be,” said a focus group participant in a heavy tone.  This woman, most recently a CFO, went on to say, “it is freeing and confusing because I can be anything I want to be.”   All in attendance politely laughed – revealing their own discomfort with this common divide.   She was no stranger to transition.  Early in her career she had resigned from a tenured professorship in The Classics to take a role in finance.  Her remark made we wonder, is identity the holy grail of transition?

Identity or in my transition’s parlance creating a ‘highly personal, self-created identity’ serves as a fundamental core to the work of transition.  It’s simple.    Isn’t it?

What do I want to do? Have you ever asked yourself that question and struggled with the answer?   I remember being cowed by it early on.

Immediately after I left Iron Mountain eager friends inquired of me, ‘so what do you want to do?’  While I had some vague notions I couldn’t honestly answer the question.  I’d say something like, ‘I’m consulting.’   I was doing projects so the answer wasn’t dishonest.  But it was puffery.  At least it was a response.  Inside I was despondent.

Of all the elements of transition it took me the longest to get my arms around this one.  How do you re-frame identity?

This week I stumbled onto some historically significant perspectives on women’s identity.   A book caught my eye as I was running through the lobby of our local library en route to a program with my daughter.   There perched on a display celebrating its 50th anniversary of publication was Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique.  When I saw it I quickly reasoned that any self-respecting advocate for women’s development needed to read it.  So much for their beautiful display…..

The book shares Friedan’s conclusions from research she conducted in the 50’s and 60’s that revealed widespread unhappiness among women.   In the book she argued that women’s unhappiness was caused by and large from their lack of identity outside of roles determined by biology or anatomy.  She was also hyper critical of the media.  The feminine mystique, in her mind, was a false notion created largely by the media that women could be fulfilled simply (or only) through roles like housewife or mother.   The media – it seems – espoused that fulfillment could be gained via ownership of canary yellow consumer durables and other hollow concepts.

House Beautiful Kitchen's of the 1950's

House Beautiful’s Kitchens of the 1950’s

Said Friedan, “I think that this has been the unknown heart of the women’s problem in America for a long time, this lack of private image.  Public images that defy reason and have very little to do with women themselves have had the power to shape too much of their lives.  These images would not have such power, if women were not suffering from a crisis of identity.” (Mystique, pg75)

So, what do you do when you finally realize that ‘you can do anything you’d like?’

My transition hasn’t produced an answer to this question…but it has provided me with some insight into the process required to get to that answer.    Here are some actions you might consider if you’re just getting started…

a) Inventory that which you find joyful: It doesn’t matter if you are 22 or 52. The very first step is to list the things that have really truly made you happy. What’s captivated your attention and your heart?  A game?  A job?  A moment?  An achievement?  No one else’s list will look like yours – so skip the comparisons.

b) Work the list:  Can your list be ranked?  Can you talk out loud about it to anyone?  Book group?  Work colleague?  Old friend?   New acquaintance?  Can you extend the ideas?  Maybe use a trick contained in my favorite ‘what if’ tool, Harvard Business School’s personal elevator pitch builder.  It asks you to answer the who, what, why and goal for yourself.   It took me the better part of a year to understand how much I needed to work the list. Ideas on a page weren’t enough.  Exploring them was the real start.

c) Test & Re-test:  Investigate the ideas that have grown out of A & B.  The objective is to validate or invalidate an idea before you make a huge commitment to it.  There are loads of ways to do this…a Skype networking call, reading a series of articles, listening to a TED talk.

It can be done one night a week for months or over the course of a few short days.  The only rules?  Eliminate ‘bet the farm’ type commitments.   Break it down into parts.  Learn from processing each step.  Integrate what you learn and then, re-test.

Even today two gates challenge my forward progress with this cycle.  Both are trumpeted from a megaphone inside my head.   One sounds something like, ‘I could never to that.’   The other?   A rigid filter of what constitutes viable work.  Have you ever encountered either of these?

The focus group participant who offered her pithy and powerful question on identity was clear on her transition’s trigger:  boredom.  My guess is that you’ll have the courage to look beyond the canary yellow accoutrements for your kitchen.   The real question?  Can you step beyond the fear, uncertainty, guilt, and yes, maybe even boredom, to really define an identity that is solely yours?

Only you know if you have the courage to take that first step….

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Transition’s detours

“They’re probably ones that I would have said at some point in the last six months or ones I could say tomorrow or next week,” shared a focus group participant.  She and her co-participants had just discussed adjectives that ‘characterize transition.’  The surprise?  Regardless of the reason for the transition – job loss, divorce, career change, or life events related to parenting  – the adjectives were all the same.  Scary. Rewarding.  Embarrassing. Liberating.  Freeing.  Confusing.  Exhilarating.  Uncomfortable.  Unnverving.  Overwhelming.  Shameful.  Empowering.   Have you ever surfed transition’s emotion buffet? Continue reading…

The Big Picture….

Have you ever missed an opportunity to transition?   Knew that something wasn’t right but felt it wasn’t the right time to address it?  Or better yet, ignored the signs?  Or maybe you were oblivious to the signs entirely.  If I’m honest I completely missed an opportunity to transition about five years prior to my current one.  It wasn’t so much that I ignored the signs.   I was aware that I needed a change.  What I didn’t get was the enormity of the change required.  I can’t help but wonder if I’m not alone in this borderline clueless category.  Continue reading…

Transition’s Required Armor

“You just start thinking about other things that you can do. You think about your dreams and your goals.  You see it and it gives you hope.  And energy.  You feel energized,”  said Vicci Recckio, member of the Benson Babes.   The group, all participants in the Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, was featured on an NPR piece entitled, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Coat.   Their catalyst?  A coat purchased from a thrift shop for $10 and shared among participants who were undergoing cancer treatments.   A coat?  Could a coat really provide hope, energy? Continue reading…

Assessing forward progress…

“What has been the most difficult part of your transition?” asked a friend in a shaky voice.  Her tone underscored her status.  She sounded on edge.   My guess was that she was reeling from yet another setback.    Ever been there?  I was momentarily silent in response to her question.  Which  parts?   In my mind several were vying for the preeminent spot…most difficult. Continue reading…

Transition’s creative barrier…

“Have you started cleaning closets?”  asked a business school classmate of mine immediately after I started my transition.   She shared that another classmate, who had been a high-ranking executive in the financial services industry, did exactly that for two months following her acrimonious departure from an employer.   My friend viewed this activity positively, a cleanse.  Was it?   Is cleanliness or organization an accompaniment to transition? Continue reading…

Bringing Transition Into Focus

“Take yourself out of autopilot,” encouraged Janice Marturano, a former executive at General Mills and now head of the Institute for Mindful Leadership.  Her plea was part of an overall recommendation towards purposeful pauses featured in,  In Mindfulness, a Method to Sharpen Focus and Open Minds (NY Times 3/23/2012).  She reasoned that with mindfulness, “overtime you’ll feel more focused and connected to yourself and others.”  Reverse autopilot.  Could that concept benefit you? Continue reading…

Summer Book Review Denouement

“We are now in a position to move forward with you,” boasted a long-awaited email to a friend.  Imagine the excitement.  She’s been networking in pursuit of a new opportunity.   A new direction.  Maybe you’ve seen this movie?  Countless meet and greets.  Electronic job postings.  Online applications.  Long overdue or impersonal responses from hiring companies.   Not this email.   A sparkle?  A validation? Continue reading…

Summer Book Review #31: Listening Below the Noise

“Nothing at all.  Silence.  That’s the gift I’d offer,” shared a former executive who participated in the Research Jam last spring.   We were talking about creating a gift bag for women just beginning transition.   Silence came up again and again during our conversation.    She also shared a question that she’d grappled with early on in her transition, “Who am I if I’m not me?”   For her silence served as a catalyst to answering that question.  What is your relationship with silence?  Is it an unaffordable luxury?  A welcome guest? Continue reading…

A decade’s lesson: maintain relationships

“I figured out how the guys do it,” screeched an exasperated friend following a conversation with a former colleague.  Over the course of the call my friend learned about a common practice in the financial services industry…parking certifications.  It seems that if a person leaves a large firm to ‘work’ in a consulting capacity said professional can hold onto their certifications.   Not so if that person simply becomes unemployed.  ‘That’s how the old boys network does it,” she fumed.  “They park someone’s certs and say they are ‘consulting.'”  She was beside herself.  From her perch….this ‘parking’ courtesy wasn’t often extended to women regardless of their vocation after leaving a large firm.  Continue reading…