I have a friend who uses “barriers” as her most common accoutrement. Maybe you know someone life this? She can’t because… her allergy shots don’t allow her to or she has to finish something important. The litany of reasons grows increasingly serious and worrisome by the year. I couldn’t help but think of her as I read The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander. The authors challenge readers to re-frame our view of “life” so that both real and imagined barriers no longer impede us but give way to energy and focus. The decade old best seller is nothing short of inspirational — a great beach read! Continue reading…
“Please pull out a piece of paper,” so started my facilitation of a career event sponsored by the Emerging Leaders Program at the University of Massachusetts Boston. I asked each participant to write down what their professional aspirations were – using a 5 year time frame. We spent the next twenty minutes discussing what folks had jotted down. What happened next amazed me. Continue reading…