Yesterday we froze while sitting at Gillette Stadium for the MIAA State Championship game between Holliston and Wahconah. There were six games being played, all match-ups of division rivals of winning Massachusetts High School teams. We were there to see my nephew, a sophomore, who played in the final minutes of the game. While I am sure it was thrilling for him to be down on the field where the Patriots play my take on the game happened on an entirely different level. I was focused on the contributions of one of his teammates whose efforts seemed extraordinary. Almost magical. Continue reading…
Is anyone listening?
“I think I have more confidence in what I want for myself — instead of valuing what other people think of me,” shared an incredibly honest focus group participant. She went on to describe this renewed perspective as a critical milestone in her transition. The comment came amidst a discussion about the difficulty of declining job opportunities – and their accompanying salaries — despite the fact that the jobs no longer aligned with her personal requirements. Her transition allowed her to arrive at, “No, that’s not what I want for myself, this is what I want for myself.” You could hear the personal pep talk in her remark….she’d arrived but her status was tenuous at best. Continue reading…
Transition’s initial step…..
“Don’t do that when I’m not around,” said my eight year old son. “I like to learn when you’re on the phone,” he continued. We were talking about what I do when he is at camp. I told him that I held conference calls almost constantly while he was gone. His comment surprised me. I always perceived my work as an imposition on our time. In fact I try desperately to manage work around my children’s schedules. In a million years I wouldn’t have guessed that he would arrive at such a place. Powerful concept. Learning. Continue reading…