Your Move: Making the Most of Your Next Transition (Professional or Personal)


  • 12PM – 1PM EST 24 JAN 2017
  • Virtual
Your Move: Making the Most of Your Next Transition (Professional or Personal)

Linda Rossetti (MBA 1991), Author; Managing Director, Golden Seeds LLC

 Are you in transition or considering one in the New Year? Countless life events —like the sale of a company or a career change or an empty nest or re-entering the workforce or retirement or divorce —can leave us at the doorstep of transition. Join Linda Rossetti (MBA 1991) and author of the Amazon 5-star rated “Women & Transition: Reinventing Work and Life,” for a provocative new look at transitioning. Rossetti will introduce a framework for understanding transition; share highlights from her research with more than two hundred people who shared their transition stories with her; and offer tips from her book’s toolkit on transition and reinvention.

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